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World Hand Hygiene Day: how to wash your hands properly

World Hand Hygiene Day is on May 5. Reason enough to remind yourself once again why proper hand washing is so important. We reveal what you need to pay attention to - and to which songs it works particularly well.

Many infectious diseases are transmitted via the hands. Regular hand washing is therefore one of the simplest and most cost-effective measures to protect yourself and others from infection. Many studies have already investigated and confirmed its effectiveness.

Nevertheless, the importance of hand washing is still sometimes downplayed or even ridiculed. This attitude urgently needs to change. Especially in times of epidemics, good hand hygiene is more important than ever - also outside of healthcare facilities. Ultimately, washing your hands not only protects you, but also the people around you.

Many germs and viruses are not visible to the human eye. Hands should therefore not only be cleaned when visibly soiled, but always before or after certain activities, which we have listed for you below. Internalize hand washing as part of your daily routine, for example when coming home from work or school in the evening. Make going to the sink the new normal and regular hand washing a fixed part of your daily routine.

When you should wash your hands:

On the go

  • After using public transport and other public spaces
  • As soon as you get home
  • Disinfect your hands additionally after visiting a hospital


  • After using the toilet
  • Before inserting or removing contact lenses
  • Before inserting or removing sanitary products
  • Before using cosmetics
  • After changing diapers or helping your child with cleaning

In case of illness or injuries

  • Before preparing or using medication
  • Before and after treating wounds
  • After cleaning your nose, sneezing or coughing


  • After handling any kind of waste
  • After contact with sick people or close contact with objects used by them
  • After contact with animals, animal food and organic waste
  • Whenever your hands are dirty

How to wash your hands properly

Hands are often washed too quickly or not dried properly. Washing with soap is also much more effective than just using water, as the ingredients remove dirt and microbes from the skin. Moreover, you tend to wash your hands more thoroughly with soap.

Instructions for washing your hands

  1. Hold your hands under running water when washing them. Choose a temperature that is convenient for you.
  2. Soap your hands thoroughly with a mild, pH-neutral cleanser for at least 20 seconds (longer depending on the degree of soiling). If possible, use liquid soap, especially in public washrooms.
  3. Also consider the back of your hands, the palms of your hands, the fingertips, the spaces between your fingers and your thumbs.
  4. Rinse your hands under running water. In public restrooms, use your elbow or a disposable towel to turn off the tap.
  5. Dry your hands, either with a disposable towel or at home with a hand towel. Ideally, each person should use a personal towel.
  6. If there is an increased risk of infection, it may be advisable to additionally disinfect your hands after washing them (e.g. if a family member has a salmonella infection or someone is suffering from a highly contagious disease such as the flu or norovirus).

More tips for hand hygiene

  1. Take care of your skin because when irritated or damaged, it can become a breeding ground for microbes.
  2. Cut your fingernails short and brush them regularly to prevent dirt from accumulating underneath.
  3. Change your towels after 1-3 days depending on use and soiling and wash them at 60°.

The perfect playlist for your hygiene performance

20-30 seconds correspond to singing "Happy Birthday" twice. If that's too boring for you, you can also opt for the choruses of the following songs.

  • «Mr. Brightside» – The Killers
  • «Wildest Dreams» – Taylor Swift
  • «Oops! I did it Again» – Britney Spears
  • «I’m so excited» – Pointer Sisters
  • «Africa» – Toto
  • «We are the Champions» – Queen
  • «Custer» – Slipknot

What to do when on the go

We don't always have the opportunity to wash our hands with soap under clean running water. Whether it's during a long flight, after a journey in a crowded streetcar or on a hike, sometimes you're glad to be able to clean your hands. It is a good idea to always have a hand sanitizer with you.

For an optimal result, spread the disinfectant on your skin for around 30 seconds and rub it all over your hands. Your hands must be dry. Do not wash the disinfectant off afterwards.

International Hand Hygiene Day

The international World Hand Hygiene Day was initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009 and has been held annually ever since. The date, 5 May, was deliberately chosen to symbolize the five fingers of our hands.

Regular hand washing can be compared to exercise in the fresh air. It is good for us and prevents possible illnesses when done in a balanced and responsible way.

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