News / Events

Our network of clinics and centres offer a multitude of news and events all around the year to various topics. Here you can find the most recent activities of the Swiss Medical Network. Stay connected!

La Domenica - From the slopes to the operating theatre

Nouveau programme GLA:D® Suisse Arthrose en physiothérapie

Verletzungsfrei durch den Winter

Welcome to Doctor Eleni Moschouri - Accidents and Emergency Department: 'Targeted examinations and straight to the specialist'

Glaucoma screening

INFOpmi Gold Edition - Integrated medicine: the paradigm shift

Des programmes de récupération optimisée qui mettent le patient âgé au coeur de nos processus

Renforcement de la prise en charge du cancer dans l'Ouest-Lausannois

NZZ interview with Dr Michael Kurz: Insights into men's health

VISITE – Medizin konkret: Was passiert während einer Narkose?

Nouvelles consultations en médecine de famille